5 Quick Ways to Instantly Refresh Your Store's Design

Want a new look for your store but don't have time for a complete redesign? Don't sweat it! Here are five simple shortcuts to refreshing your store.

As people, we're hardwired to trust beautiful things. That's why having a well-designed site is so critical to your online store's success. Now, with spring in the air, you may be tempted to do a complete design overhaul. But before you dig in, there are simple design changes you can make to get that brand new look without the blood, sweat and tears.

Here are five shortcuts to refreshing your store's design:


1. Update your homepage layout

If you’re happy with the overall look of your site, but want to freshen up your store's look – updating your homepage is one of the easiest ways to do it. After all, your homepage is  your first impression, so it's a good idea to keep it lively.

Kate Spade is one store that does a great job keeping their homepage fresh and updated.


2. Switch-up your typography

Like we've discussed in our typography series, font choice has a huge impact on your website’s voice. If you’re a high-end fashion site and you're using Comic Sans as your main typeface, it’s time to switch to something a bit cleaner like Montserrat or Lato.

eKidsrooms.com does a great job of keeping their typefaces youthful and chunky to give their site a playful voice.


3. Resize your product images

Nothing makes a store look more unprofessional than a grid of uneven product images. Take some time to make sure all of your product images are the same size. It'll give your site a cleaner, more professional look.

4. Update your main hero image

As the star of your homepage, your hero image needs to capture your audience's attention and encourage them to take action. Try using large, high-quality professional photography to evoke emotion. Make sure your message is clear and precise, and include a call to action.

Hope&Heritage does a great job of promoting their winter collection and persuading their customers to start shopping the second they land on the homepage.




5. Refresh your homepage promotions

If your homepage layout is already working well, try updating the promotions on your homepage once every few months. These updated deals will keep your store looking new without much effort.



As you can see, there are many ways to give your store a new look without throwing the baby out with the bathwater. By changing a few simple elements, your store will stay looking new, and you'll stay sane. Try some of these changes today and tell us what you think!